Paperly - Paper Plane Adventure

Paperly - Paper Plane Adventure


About game:

When you are in school, the best thing is to fold a page of your notebook into a plane and let it fly like in Paperly: Paper Plane Adventure. We all like to believe that we can make the perfect paper plane and use it to fly around the world, not just in school. Maybe this is possible, but it will depend on where the paper plane goes. The plane and the air will take it farther. You didn't make the plane, but you can help it keep going on its wonderful trip.

About the book Paperly - Paper Plane Adventure:

Paper planes aren't as common as they used to be, but they're still very popular online, where they're just a fun thing to do. This game makes you feel like you're throwing a paper airplane through the air and watching it fly away. The settings might not be exactly what a normal kid sees, but they show what we imagine. We think our planes can go farther than ever. They remind us of the freedom we wished we had back then, and we want them to keep flying as long as we can see them. You should take this plane as far as you can because it's not going anywhere.

The best way to play Paperly - Paper Plane Adventure:

You need to help the plane fly as far and as long as you can. The plane will lose its flight if it hits anything solid or soft. A timer is also located below the plane. The plane will stop flying when the timer reaches zero.

The plane will move at a moderate speed when you take off and will stay in the air as long as you don't hit anything. The bottom right corner shows how fast you're going. If you tilt up, you slow down, and if you tilt down, you speed up. At the top of the screen, you can see how far the plane has to go to get to the end of the place it is in now. You will get some of your plane's flight time back when you start a new place. Also, you can get money from blue blocks, speed up with purple crystals, and add time to your flight with yellow pieces.
